Thursday, November 8, 2007

Gîkûyû Locale

I want to start a small project on a Gîkûyû locale. Would be glad to here if anyone has created this before or can refer me to one.

A Locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface.

Related links:
  1. Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages
  2. Internationalization and localization
  3. IETF language tag
  4. Language Subtag Registry
  5. Common Locale Data Repository


Jean said...

I've previously tried to start up a Swahili translation project for Plone, but since I don't know the language and couldn't be present in Nairobi, the effort foundered. I'd be very willing to provide technical assistance if you'd like to translate Plone to Gîkûyû!

See for a start ..

Dorcas Muthoni said...

Thanks Jean, that very useful. I will definitely be calling on you. I haven´t worked on this kind of a project before. I do have great interest in localization though. Will be glad to learn and see what else we can work on. I know a group is working on a Swahili translation project for Ubuntu ( too.